10 | Promoting Diversity and Pivoting - with Lu Li

In our final episode we were lucky enough to speak to the brains and driving force behind Blooming Founders, Lu Li. 

Lu has been changing the narrative for female founders through challenging the need for diversity and using her acclaimed brand and company to help early stage female founders succeed. Prior to the pandemic, Blooming Founders produced popular business events and ran an award-winning co-working space in London. 

In this valuable discussion she shares how the pandemic made her realise the shift in the industry, so she pivoted her business to an an internship placement service, where they match businesses with students and save companies 90% of your typical hiring costs.

Lu shares her views on what impact the pandemic could have on female founders and diversity within startups, which leads to discussing the future of funding and the needed shift in behaviour. 

As a problem solver with a large amount of entrepreneurial drive, Lu knows the importance of using this time to network, as well as advising others on building a brand that is authentically you. Her book ‘Dear Female Founder’ made up of 66 personal letters of advice written by female entrepreneurs from 20 countries, covers this further


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